Republicans rule, rather than govern.
Ruling must be distinguished from governing, which is a process of finding solutions that will best serve the interests of all Americans.
Ruling must be distinguished from governing, which is a process of finding solutions that will best serve the interests of all Americans.
Republicans' authoritarian rule can be characterized by its striking incivility and intolerance toward those who do not view the world as Republicans do.
Authoritarian conservatives are primarily anti-government, except where they believe the government can be useful to impose moral or social order, or where it empowers the military industrial complex.
Studies show that about 25 percent of the adult population in the United States is solidly authoritarian. It is in these ranks of some 70 million that we find the core of the McCain/Palin supporters. They are people who are so self-righteous, so ill-informed, and so dogmatic that nothing you can say or do will change their minds.
The problem is that these authoritarian followers are much more active than the rest of the country. They have the mentality of 'old-time religion' on a crusade, and they generously give money, time and effort to the cause. They proselytize; they lick stamps; they put pressure on loved ones; and they revel in being loyal to a cohesive group of like thinkers. They are not going to let up and they are not going to go away.
Frankly, there is only one way to deal with these conservative zealots: Keep them out of power.
(This is an extract of an article by John Dean.)